You are what you eat so while not know your product, where does it comes from? 'Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food' - Hippocrates Hippocrates is considered the father of modern medicine and the quote above is one of his most famous. In summary, Hippocrates is calling on us to consider the nexus between what we eat, the way we eat and our well-being. Every food we eat is a by product of an agriculture produces. This food are then utilized for good health and the treating of illnesses. A lot of attention is being focused, these days, on nutritional therapy - the use of diet and nutrition to help people improve and maintain their health and well-being. There are varied medical conditions for which food products are being deployed for their management, from common cold, flu, and up to chronic diseases, etc. The marketing of food products sourcing is an important knowledge to know, as it tells alot about the process of making the product and it is can be helpful in...