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Showing posts with the label agric supercycle

The Effect Of Supercycle On The Agric Market And Household Consumption

  Not only Nigerian is witnessing this, as it is now a global phenomenon, as investors now agree that we have started what can be described as a “supercycle” AGRIC PRODUCE OVERVIEW Let us start with, what is supercycle and does it affect the agriculture market and even our household consumption. The supercycle has been explained as a sustained spell of abnormally strong demand growth that producers struggle to match, sparking a rally in prices that can last years or in some cases a decade or more strong demand growth that producers struggle to match, sparking a rally in prices that can last years or in some cases a decade or more. The Supercycle is now a global effect which can be traced to various commodity, not new that we been experiencing continuous commodity prices especially Agriculture which is the focus of this newsletter market in Nigeria, and with a global awareness of this phenomenon, this might but more pressure on inflation which is market-driven. And the agric market ...