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Food Inflation Dropped And Fasting Is Over, Effect On Agric Market

Fasting is over What can we expect in the agric market The bear is finally coming out even as the inflation figure is out, and with fasting done, this be it AGRIC PRODUCE OVERVIEW Food inflation has now dropped in 19 months by 0.23 to 22.72% can this be the bearish sign we await. Many may feel this drop is not significant but mind you that is the April figure, and the market is not in the past, but looking at the period of increase, it can be the awaited signal. Then today market fasting is done, let see more of this. Many of the country’s grains come from the north, where many of the population is Muslims, the fasting which will have to dampen labour and reduce the distribution of food could just be over and with increase farming, labour, and logistics. We can start to see a more competitive and drastic drop in some prices, hence the letter in the picture above. Product update; Let us start as usual the

The Effect Of Supercycle On The Agric Market And Household Consumption

  Not only Nigerian is witnessing this, as it is now a global phenomenon, as investors now agree that we have started what can be described as a “supercycle” AGRIC PRODUCE OVERVIEW Let us start with, what is supercycle and does it affect the agriculture market and even our household consumption. The supercycle has been explained as a sustained spell of abnormally strong demand growth that producers struggle to match, sparking a rally in prices that can last years or in some cases a decade or more strong demand growth that producers struggle to match, sparking a rally in prices that can last years or in some cases a decade or more. The Supercycle is now a global effect which can be traced to various commodity, not new that we been experiencing continuous commodity prices especially Agriculture which is the focus of this newsletter market in Nigeria, and with a global awareness of this phenomenon, this might but more pressure on inflation which is market-driven. And the agric market whic

Foodstuff vs Food Buying (What is your choice?)

As easter the celebration continues, we need to discuss the consumers choice, what is your and my choice about this, some attached luxury to food buying. Let us define the terms, Foodstuff Foodstuff are agric produce that is raw and produced in the farm. There are various words you can use for this as some call it food items, some grocery while to others it is simply farm produce. Though all these words have some disparity but can generally mean the same thing. Therefore foodstuff comes raw and not usually edible. Food buying This is the act of purchasing a finished meal, or processed food stuff to a final consumer (usually). Even though some regard agric produces/foodstuff with food in general. That is why we need to explain what we mean in the context of this write-up. Differences * Food buying is consider lucrative, faster, and convenient, but what if we tell you it is not totally true, as this choice can be of fewer quality items (farm produce) and very expensive. We

Why Oyo, the 2nd highest Inflation state in Nigeria

Ibadan the heart of Oyo must have endured a lot, Let's make a quick reminder we are an Agric eCommerce company in Ibadan and have been in part of this semi macroeconomy🤔 What we experienced in the figure. Is our economic problem not just starting? 🤔 We talked about the new reality we are experiencing in prices last week CLICK HERE TO SEE IT when we talked about the price increase or better put inflation will lead to devaluation of our currency, which already happen this week AGRIC PRODUCE OVERVIEW Some can ask why all this English, just tell us price and that is all. No, this is design main for our retailer's customer and you must know how our target audience is Ibadan people. Understanding the macroeconomy we guide your trade When this devaluation has occurred some things will be more expensive, it should because the IE window has been cushioned this to this extent, not a true reflection of our currency value, don’t forget the poultry association wants to import maize. You

The benefit of buying food produces online

Where you can get all your food products online Electronic commerce or e-commerce (sometimes written as eCommerce) is a business model that lets firms and individuals buy and sell things over the internet. Most are familiar with some of the companies like Jumia, Konga, where you buy your Phones, accessories, and electronics. DayDone is An agric eCommerce company that provides an online market place where farmers, you, and I can buy and sell Agricultural products across the Nation. Interesting right? You having an opportunity to buy directly from the farmer. In this article, we will be discussing several benefits you can achieve by shopping directly with DayDone. Price: Most of us don’t even know how our food products get to us. They pass through several distribution chains which are mostly occupied by middle men that exorbitantly increase the price of food products. DayDone is an agiric-ecommerce company that brings farm to the finger tips and doorstep of every consumer. Cutting the d

Popular Misconceptions about Nigerian Rice

 This are the popular misconceptions Nigerian have about purchases and consumption of Nigeria Rice Nigeria Rice in this context is Rice produced that is farmed and manufactured/processed by Nigeria based companies. They are often non-GMO and have a fairly medium grain. Many are still of the opinion that this Nigerian Rice means it is what is called O-God Rice? What this video to find out more Video Outline 0:00​ - Introduction 0:37​ - Characteristics of Nigerian Rice 0:45​ - Benefit of buying Nigeria Rice 0:56​ - Suitable for More Food types 01:36​ - Powerful antioxidants 02:03​ - Reducing Diabetes 02:52​ - Price ............................ The Nigeria Rice is a work in progress and we will be surprised by the quality especially the ones produced by some brands

Number One Agric/Food Produces Newsletter

 Dr. Doyin Salami, Chairman of the Presidential Economic Advisory Council (ECA), and an ex-member of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) saying during National Economic Outlook for 2021 organised by the Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria (CIBN). That “Despite border closure, our national import of food amounted to N1.85 trillion between January and Sept 2020 – a 62 per cent increase when compared to same period 2019." What are you expecting in the real market, this; Rice Market Update Why jump in price again, I thought festivity is over? If you think that so do I🤔 Last time we talked about bean market overview, and discussed Drum. The Drum market is still as volatile as bitcoin (bad analogy for some) Rice Market WHAT IS RICE MARKET LIKE For a while now we been talking about Nigeria rice not been advantaged, what is the rice market response to this, surely even in your area you will note the demand will fall so what should be expected;........