As easter the celebration continues, we need to discuss the consumers choice, what is your and my choice about this, some attached luxury to food buying. Let us define the terms, Foodstuff Foodstuff are agric produce that is raw and produced in the farm. There are various words you can use for this as some call it food items, some grocery while to others it is simply farm produce. Though all these words have some disparity but can generally mean the same thing. Therefore foodstuff comes raw and not usually edible. Food buying This is the act of purchasing a finished meal, or processed food stuff to a final consumer (usually). Even though some regard agric produces/foodstuff with food in general. That is why we need to explain what we mean in the context of this write-up. Differences * Food buying is consider lucrative, faster, and convenient, but what if we tell you it is not totally true, as this choice can be of fewer quality items (farm produce) and very expensive. We ...
With digitization in every field of man. It is time and now to digitize Agriculture. This is our mission and our partners at It is time to bring control with technology, internet and every scientific innovation back to the farmer