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Showing posts from December, 2020

Why is there crisis between Facebook and Apple and what you must know as an Internet user

Facebook Declared War on Apple, and It Just May Signal the End of Facebook The company has been heading toward a major crash for a long time. Facebook is starting to look desperate. Over the past weeks, the world's largest social network has taken out several full-page ads in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and The Washington Post. The ads attacked Apple's new privacy changes, which Facebook claims will severely hurt small businesses, and "will change the internet as we know it--for the worse."  Facebook's recent desperation isn't surprising. It's the culmination of a series of events that began years ago, and that we've been building toward for a long time. How Facebook moved fast and broke things "Move fast and break things. Unless you are breaking stuff, you are not moving fast enough." --Mark Zuckerberg "Move fast and break things" was Facebook's official motto for years. It was intended to provide direction to ...

Backstage Story Of Our Delicacies

We all have heard and know that farmers feed the world but how? Unfortunately many don’t care about how this is possible (once their delicacy is on the table nothing else) This backstage story For farmers to feed any nation and people it lies heavily on distribution, distribution is how the food gets to you. Get to your doorstep, kitchen, and table. This story is just beginning because the geographic distribution of agriculture production is more north than south. While this is true, the journey of farm produce is alarming, hazardous and the worst part is traders' greed. Part 2: Traders’ greed Traders of this our must-have items have gone through a lot of logistics, networking to get this item in their retail shop. But like other traders that want to be the most to gain from this supply chain. They definitively deserve it after some have gone to the north to get items and store them. But not at the expense of our health with heavy storage chemicals, and re-bagging. This then tilts ...