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  Imported Rice

Advent of imported foods into our country is quite a good thing, but of what use is it to our health when all we get is diseases and malign health conditions more prevalent to Europe and America. We have been discouraged by the whites from valuing what we have, even the brown rice, but this same rice is highly priced in America and Europe much more than their polished rice.

As far as rice is concerned in Nigeria, Africa and some other countries of the world, locally grown rice popularly called Local RiceOfada Rice” or Abakaliki Rice” in Nigeria, and other names in other countries will always be considered the best as it has a lot to offer when it comes to health benefits and contains lots of un-adulterated nutrients which is good for the body and overall health.

Nigerian Rice

Our local rice known internationally as brown rice is loaded with powerful antioxidants which provide relief from a range of ailments such as hypertension, unhealthy levels of cholesterol, stress, mental depression and skin disorders. The health benefits of this rice include better functioning of cardiovascular system, digestive system, brain and nervous system. High nutritional content in this rice proves effective in various medical conditions such as cancer, obesity, diabetes, neuro-degenerative disorders and insomnia. It has anti-depressant properties and helps maintain healthy bones and stronger immune system

Some health benefit of local rice

Helps in Digestion

Our local Rice is more rich in fiber content which aids in the bodys digestion processes and helps also in reducing and preventing of digestive disorder and also decreases the level of cholesterol in the body.Insoluble fiber has been researched also to help in the prevention of the risk of gallstones in women.

 Reduces the Risk of Diabetes

Brown rice can help to reduce the chances of diabetes, unlike white rice which can trigger or increase the chances of diabetes because of its content of refined carbohydrates which can aid in increasing the level of the blood sugar in the body. It has a low glycemic index which is helpful in insulin surges and assists in the stabilization of blood sugar levels in the body. Especially if you are getting old you need to order local from DayDone

Prevention of cancer Brown

Our Nigerian rice is also helpful in the prevention of various cancers such as colon cancer, breast cancer and leukemia. This beneficial effect can be attributed to the presence of minerals and high fiber content in the rice. This is so because the dietary rich fiber rice doesnt only aid in digestion but also bind itself to the harmful toxins that can cause cancer in the body. This prevents the toxins from attaching to the walls of the colon and helps eliminate them from the body.

In conclusion

Most of us are unaware about the fact that brown rice is better than white or polished rice. The reason that makes this rice stand out is the super quality and quantity of nutrients which the rice offers. Unlike polished foreign rice, brown rice does not go through the process of milling and polishing and hence retains its immense treasure of healthful components. The process of milling that converts brown rice into white rice strips away most of its nutritional value. 

Despite these tremendous nutritional value and health benefits of this relatively cheap local(brown rice ), most ignorant people prefer the more expensive foreign rice of low health benefit to local rice.   


With all this said note that you can get your parboiled Nigerian Rice at It is an agricecommerce platform where farm product are delivered to you.


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